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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  December 3, 2011 7:00am-8:00am EST

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morning amid new allegations of infidelity. she stood by him before. but what will she push him to do now? the mccready mess. country singer, mindy mccready, is found overnight. where did they find her son? and what did she do when they showed up? and reality mole. the hit reality show about mob wives just got real. one of the men on the show turned by the fbi wears a wire and sends a mob boss to prison. how is his loyal to the mob ex-wife reacting? nothing like "mob wives." do you watch that show? >> no. but my wife does. >> bianca and i should talk. one is the daughter of sammie
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"the bull" gravano. there's no safety here. that's all real. >> that's the serious news coming up later. we're chasing a big weather story this morning. the storm that brought hurricane-force winds to california, and also utah, new mexico and wyoming, is now moving into a dangerous new phase. our meteorologist, ginger zee, is going to tell us what's coming up next. also, the ultimate shark kill. the amazing video that's nearly impossible to believe. but now, the man under the shark, he's finally speaking out. what's it like to look up and see a shark? i can only imagine. >> i'm looking forward to hearing from him, coming pup. we're going to start here with jerry sandusky, the man at the heart of the sex abuse debacle. going on camera for his first interview. he spoke at length to "the new york times." and the reporters there videotaped the whole thing. >> these allegations are false. i didn't do those things. i don't know.
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>> reporter: for the first time, jerry sandusky, answering the tough questions, on camera. once the legendary head coach joe paterno was told about the allegations against his former defensive coach, what did he say to sandusky about it? >> i don't know that he didn't know. i know that he didn't -- never said anything to me. i know that. >> reporter: what did sandusky first say when he was confronted by a penn state, when young assistant coach, mike mcqueary, saw him raping a boy in the team showers? >> i told him it didn't happen. in my mind, it wasn't inappropriate behavior. >> reporter: and remember sandusky's infamous answer to this question? >> are you sexually attracted to boys, underaged boys? >> am i sally attracted to under waged boys? sexually attracted?
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i enjoy young people. >> reporter: sandusky now says this. >> what in the world is this question? what is this? you know? am i going to be -- if i say no, i'm not attracted to boys, that's not the truth because i'm attracted to young people, boys, girls. right. >> reporter: most likely sandusky's lawyer, shouting in the background. >> i enjoy -- that's what i was trying -- i enjoy spending time with young people. i enjoy spending time with people. >> reporter: throughout the interview, sandusky defends his decades of work with children, including the showering, sharing beds, and blowing on boys' stomachs. and sandusky seems distraught about what has now happened to his life. >> i miss coaching. i miss second mile. i miss second mile kids. i miss the relationships with all kinds of people. i miss my own grandkids.
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i'll miss my dog. so, i mean, yeah. i miss -- yeah. good grief. >> so, how is this interview going to play in both the court of public opinion and also in a court of law? let's go to espn legal analyst, roger kassak. thanks for being here this morning. we appreciate it. why is jerry sandusky granting these interviews? and why is his lawyer allowing it to happen? is this helpful for him at all? >> when i first saw the interview and this morning, the first thing that comes to my mind, is why would you do something like this? the first rule of a criminal defense lawyer is you never let your client speak to the police or the press. and the reason for that is is because anything he says can be used against him in a court of law. and even if sandusky would choose in a trial never to testify, these statements can be used and introduced to the jury.
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and he's made some admissions that can be -- can come back to haunt him. the notion that he was with these boys. that he was in the shower with the boys. perhaps he blew on their stomach. perhaps they were in his hotel room. those are the kinds of things that the prosecution has to prove. and he's admitted that it happened. and it becomes a shorter leap of faith, i think, for the jury to take that next step of, well, if he was doing all of those things, perhaps he was doing the things he's accused of. >> in his defense, his argument is, i admit those things happened. but they're being taken out of context and twisted and put in a sinister light. is it a viable defense, given the number of victims who have come forward, to say it was all a big misunderstanding? >> well, it's a viable defense. look, it's clear, now, that what this case has come down to is going to be a he said versus what the young boys say. and we can only assume that the grand jury heard testimony from the accusers who said he did a
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lot more than what he's admitting. now, what kind of corroboration do you have? he's given them some kind of corroboration in saying, i was alone with them. and i was alone with them in what some people would consider to be inappropriate settings. but at the end of the day, this is going to be a, can the prosecution build their case beyond a reasonable doubt? there's always this uncomfortableness about cases like this because the accusations are so horrible. they're the worst you can think of. that you say to yourself, is this a kindly old man who was trying to do the right thing and was just kidding around with kids and doesn't just get what he's not supposed to do? or is this a monster? and what they're trying to do, obviously, is to paint him and say, look at him. this isn't the monster that you think it is. you know, it's a risky -- it's a risky proposition. >> unclear whether it worked. roger, in the remaining few seconds we have. i wanted to ask you about joe paterno. one of the headlines out of this
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is that joe paterno, who had known him for years, didn't say anything to him that we know paterno knew something about. how damage is that for paterno, not only reputational but if there's a civil lawsuit filed? >> well, the whole point of this -- the civil lawsuit, is that paterno, penn state and everybody involved had knowledge and should have done something to stop this. should have kept this guy off the school ground. should have kept this guy away from the team. it does become damaging, i think. >> roger cossack, we very much appreciate you coming in at short notice. thank you very much. >> my pleasure. we're going to turn to politics. the race for the white house. your voice, your vote. herman cain is home this morning, seeing his wife face-to-face for the first time since allegations of a 13-year-long affair surfaced this week. he's set to make a major announcement today. and the big question of the morning, will he drop out of the race? abc's david kerley is on cain
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watch this morning. david, that must have been an intense meeting with his wife. >> reporter: can you imagine what happened inside the house? if walls could speak, i guess. he called himself the ceo of self. is he about to fire himself? has the cain train made the last run? we're getting indications from supporters and some staff members he may end his run. there's no word if mrs. cain wants him out. and he said mrs. cain could decide to reduce the republican field by one candidate. was this south carolina stop herman cain's last campaign appearance? >> thank you. thank you. thank you. >> reporter: he says we'll know later today. >> i will be making an announcement. but nobody's going to get me to make that prematurely. >> i met mr. cain. >> reporter: it's been nothing but bad news for herman cain for three weeks now. the allegations of several women of sexual harassment. stumbling on foreign policy questions. >> libya. >> reporter: but cain is on the
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brink of calling it quits because of ginger white's story, a 13-year affair, which she detailed on "good morning america." >> when i entered into this inappropriate relationship with mr. cain, i was single. i was not married. mr. cain has been married throughout the entire relationship. >> reporter: iowa is a perfect example of the cain train climbing to the lead, 23% in polls, but derailing amid all the allegations and stumbles. crashing to single digits this week. just 8%. >> i'm reassessing because of all of this media firestorm stuff. why? because my wife and family comes first. >> reporter: and that consideration is coming in the family's atlanta home. cain's first face-to-face talk with his wife, gloria, since the charge of an affair. gloria, who has appeared rare on the campaign trail, made it clear she will not turn a blind eye. >> i will not be one of these
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people who stand on stage with a smile, knowing you are wrong. i won't do that. >> he has said, out loud, my wife is the one who is going to ultimately make this decision. logic would say that means he's going to drop out of the race. that said, this is a campaign that hasn't always taken the most logical route. >> reporter: so, this morning, cain is going to meet with some of his supporters. and then, around noon, he's supposed to open a new campaign headquarters in atlanta. or will he say he's out of the race? back to you guys. we're joined by republican commentator, margaret hoover. it's great to have you here for the first time. the big question this morning, is cain out? >> it's hard to see him staying in. he's stubborn. he sticks to the course. but was there a viability for his candidacy in the first place? only one civilian has descended into the history of america. he has been a cabinet secretary
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for eight years. it was herbert hoover in 1929. the -- the historical precedence wasn't on the books anyway. he doesn't have the numbers. his campaign dollars is dwindling. and he doesn't have the infrastructure in place. herman cain has shown he's dogged. >> and resilient. >> resilient. he keeps his eye on the prize. he went back to "the union leader," the new hampshire editorial board he did so badly with the last time. >> let's assume he bows out, who stands to benefit? is it newt gingrich? >> absolutely newt gingrich. what galvanized his conservative base, the talk of getting the economy back on track. that's herman cain's story. and this is why newt gingrich has been on the rise, too. nobody has gotten -- mitt romney hasn't gotten past his 25% ceiling. who is the next not mitt romney?
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>> he's remained steady at 25%. but there seems to be this vibe of anybody but mitt romney amongst the republicans. why is that? >> the conservative base feels that he has been unprincipled in his policymaking and his leadership throughout the course of his political career. and they just feel like, at the end of the day, who is really the true conservative? and they think it's not mitt romney. they think gingrich has been there for his entire political career. >> who is it that the administration wants to see the president run against? >> they want to run against newt gingrich. they don't want to run against mitt romney. and the classic play is they're running attack ads against mitt romney now to weaken him in the primaries so they don't have to face him in the challenge -- in the final round. what you see is, mitt romney is the guy they don't want to run against. >> that's right. all eyes today, for that matter, will be on cain. we shall see. thank you so much. we appreciate you coming in. we'll talk to you later when we
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have more time to talk. and be sure to join diane sawyer and george stephanopoulos. out in iowa a week from tonight, for a pivotal republican debate. all the contenders will be coming together saturday, december 10th, at 9:00 eastern, 6:00 pacific on abc. just three weeks before the voting begins. now, let's go to ron claiborne with the other headlines this morning the good morning, ron. we're going to talk about positive numbers on wall street, as well. >> good morning, bianna. very positive numbers. wall street wrapped up the best week in 2 1/2 years on the heels of that encouraging job report yesterday. new employers added 120,000 jobs last month. while the unemployment rate fell to its lowest level since march of 2009. but there's a but here. job creation remains slow. and hundreds of thousands have given up looking for work. and syracuse university basketball coach, jim boeheim, has apologized for his comments after one of his assistants was accused of child sex abuse. boeheim said, quote, i misspoke
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very badly, in the initi response tohe allegations defending his assistant coach. >> i shouldn't have questioned what the accusers expressed or their motives. i am really sorry that i did that. and i regret any harm that i caused. >> and the assistant coach, now former assistant coach, bernie fine, who was accused by three men, was fired last sunday. former senator and presidential candidate, george mcgovern has been hospitalized. he fell and hit his head on a step of a library that was named for him in south dakota. the 89-year-old was bleeding profusely. but was conscious and talking as he was taken away in an ambulance. finally, a black bear, who is just a kid at heart. look at this video of the bear, as he -- i believe it's a he.
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dan, is that a he? >> hard to tell from here, ron. >> expert here. >> in arizona, the 3-year-old, just graduated to playing with the big bears at the bear-azona wildlife park. apparently he didn't get the memo. if he did get the memo, he couldn't read it. he's a bear. let's get over to jiginger zee. >> high wind warnings and advisories for parts of california and utah still. nearly 200,000 people without power in that region, after the worst windstorm in a decade. major mess in the west. power lines toppled. homes devastated by snarls of downed trees. semitrucks all over the freeway. at l.a.x., lights went out in all nine terminals at once.
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and transformers set fire, as the violent winds created a path of destruction. blustering winds in parts of utah and colorado flew at over 150 miles per hour. but california saw the worst of it. now the cleanup has begun. pasadena, known for its historic homes and wide, oak-lined streets, are strewn with l.a. county inmates, clearing out trees. some communities have declared a state of emergency. and the red cross has opened centers providing food and aid to people affected by the windstorm. >> we have more than 100 crews out. we expect those crews have been called, from as far away as utah, arizona, bishop, to help restore power. >> reporter: much of the debris has been pushed aside. but cleanup crews are working around the clock, returning telephone poles upright, removing 100-year-old trees that seemed to swallow cars and homes
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whole. so, here's where we go from this point. we do still have some wind problems. then, it will be snow. this is near albuquerque, new mexico. the top end of in a low-pressure system that was part of the problem is now traversing our nation and giving some snow issues to parts in the center. do keep that as a little something in the back of your mind. nebraska, parts of kansas, could get 6 to 12 inches of snow. we'll have a map on that coming up. i want to leave you with good morning. it is a a chilly start to this first weekend of decembe just 28 in ashburn. 33 in alexaria, but the winds are light out tre. the big pictu all overr the east yet ather high pressure system for the fourt weend in row. the rain is going to stay well to the west of us. our high today at noon, in the upper 4 as we get to this afternoon, topping out in the low 50s. high cirrus clouds. tomomorrow, milder still. temperatures in the u upper 50s, and then look f some rainn to
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come our way a at midweek. >> in case you didn't get that, wind relaxing in l.a. proper. just a little gusty near the mountains. i want to go to the big game of the day. and i chose one again -- >> it's a big one. >> a big one. a big rivalry called the bedlam game. i learned. i'm learning about football. it's not one of the nicest days for football. but it's tonight. and it's on abc. >> thank you, ginger. everybody's heard that term, jump the shark. it refers to an episode of "happy days" when fonzie jumps a shark. it's shorthand for something cool. >> it does not apply to this viral video of a shark jumping over a surfer. and this morning, for the first time, that surfer, he's speaking out. it's the video that wowed big-wave surfers and internet surfers alike. did you see that?
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a surfer paddling furiously, when suddenly, out of the ocean, a shark leaps, twists and lands right over him. >> i didn't have a clue what it was. like, you know, i was still paddling. it just lands on the back of my leg. >> reporter: now, we finally know just who that surfer is. andy debrowski. it started as a day at the beach. >> having fun. and probably in one to two feet. >> reporter: just after an hour into his session, a close encounter that was anything but ordinary. >> i noticed on the right side. a spray, water, you know, flying out of the water. >> reporter: not just any watery sparkle. that's a spinner shark, flying close to andy's head. >> see if my legs are still there. >> reporter: for most surfers, a run-in like that would be enough to hit the shore. but for andy --
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>> i caught a couple more waves. until my session was over. it's pretty fun. you see sharks all the time out here. it's not anything of a rarity. but it's pretty wild to actually jump over top of me. that was pretty wild. >> i would never get in the water again. >> a typical day for andy, though. all right. coming up here on "gma" on this saturday morning, breaking news in the messy custody battle involving country star mindy mccready on the run with her 5-year-old son. what happened when police found them overnight. plus, mafia matters. "mob wives" is back with a new plot twist. we'll tell you about it. keurig has a wide variety of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. so with keurig, every cup
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and even more s tomorrow. tempmperatures aroround t the a. it is below frereezing out theh, in ashshburn, 28, calm winds, 33 in alexandria. down by the water in annapolis, it is 35. the winds are very light out of the nth. big picture across the eastern seaboard. ye another nice weekend onn tap. why? high presse directly overhead. alall the rain, and yes, snow well out intoo thehe midwest. it's going to stay there, and in fact, that precipitation is not going to get here until tsday. the same pattern that we have had for the past four weeks. at noon, under mostly sunny skies. temperatureses in the upper 40s, and look for high cirrus clouds this afternoon with light winds, and temperatures about 52 degrees, and then for tomorrow, milder still in the upper 50s under partly cloudy skies. another nice day on monday. tuesday and wednesday, showers coming our way, and then much chillier at the end of the week.
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loyalty is everything. loyalty is everything. >> oh, and there is the show "mob wives," the reality show. dan's wife and i watch. >> that's right. it's educational tv. >> some women out in staten island, that you don't want to mess with. the one thing you don't mess with is family. we're going to tell you a real-life example, where somebody on the show went against the family. >> a mole inside" mob wives"
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talking to the fbi. also coming up, jack hanna is in with some kittens. very large kittens. look at this guy. he's got the world's largest owl. and a very smelly anteater. that's coming up on "gma." plus, love for the beautiful earth and so much more when we check in with you and take a look at "your three words." we're going to start this half hour with the messy and public custody dispute with mindy mccready. he's been on the run. but overnight, the police tracked her down with her son. steve osunsami is in atlanta with the latest. steve, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dan. we're still learning about details. but last night, the law caught up with the country singer. and this morning, her son is on his way to his legal guardian, his grandmother, in florida. they took 5-year-old zander mccready from his mother around 8:00 p.m. friday. at a lake owned home in heber
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springs, arkansas. the singer was hiding in a closet with her son. it was no struggle. but mccready was quite emotional. child welfare officials are saying he was safe and in good health. he really wasn't in any danger, but the fbi circulated flyers. called it a parental abduction and called zander missing. last seen in this ford explorer, outside the home of mccready's father. the singer's many troubles, including time on "celebrity rehab," the court gave custody of her son to her mother. last night, her mother broke into tears over the situation. >> i can't really explain it. just can't explain it. >> reporter: mindy mccready has spent the past few years turning her life around. and she's been fighting for custody for her son. >> the focus of custody cases is what's in the best interest of the child. if she wants to go to court and say, i want this court order
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lifted, i want to change the custody arrangements, great. go do that. but you can't grab the child and evade authorities. >> reporter: the court ordered her to return the boy thursday evening. but through an representative, she told authorities she's seven months pregnant, with twins, and in no condition to travel. on mccready's facebook page, her fans were divided. mindy, i know the desperation that you're feeling. the band between a mother and child is unbreakable. but you're going about it the wrong way. and another, stand your ground. he's your child, rooting for you in alva, florida. mccready's father says he hopes the courts will side with his daughter soon. >> i hope that somebody will get some sense and say the child needs to be with his mom. >> reporter: it appears florida authorities may have known mccready's location for some time. the police who took custody of the boy arrived with a signed warrant and the u.s. marshals in tow. dan? >> steve osunsami reporting on
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the breaking news out of atlanta this morning. thank you, steve. let's get over to ron claiborne with another look at the morning's headlines. >> good morning, everyone. in the news, in his first extensive on-camera interview tins the penn state sex abuse scandal broke, former coach jerry sandusky told "the new york times," that he never abused children. and that former coach joe paterno never said anything to him about allegations that he molested a child in a shower on camera. and herman cain promised a major announcement about his campaign. this comes in the week of allegations of a 13-year extramarital affair. muhammad ali is back home after being treated for dehydration last month. reports he was rushed to the hospital were blown out of proportion. and forget the toy drive. an ohio radio station is holding an underwear drive. the station in overland, ohio, is collecting new, unused underwear.
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the community,less fortunate. time, now, for the weather and ginger zee. ginger? >> good morning, everyone. there's a tomorrow in the center of the nation bringing snow and some ice to parts of kansas and also nebraska. it will move up with rain from chicago down to memphis. a cold punch of air right behind it. and snow. so, you want to know how much? look at your region. find your color. hot pink there, five to eight inches. there are pockets that will be heavier. i'll leave you a look at the high temperatures for today. a very nice weekend in the east. good morning. washington forecast. a beautiful december weekend on tap for this first wkend of winter. 52 today, under mostly sunny skies. high cirrus tomorrow. milder still. temperatures in the upper 50s, and then look for rain coming our >> i have one facebook photo to share with you. i thought after all of the destruction we should see in the weather, we should see a nice picture. this weather report has been
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brought to you by citibank. coming up here on "good morning america," mob wives and moles. the reality show twist so good, you might think they made it up. turns out they didn't, though. plus, fun with animals. because -- well, dan's here. he always has fun with animals, especially with jack hanna. he always has fun with animals, especially with jack hanna. we'll show you, coming up. to pick up some accessories. y citd a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates.
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[ baby coughing ] well, sometimes actual reality comes into play on a reality show. and that's when things can get really interesting. take, for example, the vh1 show, "mob wives." it turns out one of the cast members is a real-life snitch for the fbi. abc's t.j. winick has the details. >> reporter: it's part-"sex in the city," part-"sopranos." >> you want to play mafia wars? i win. >> reporter: when it comes to fights, this quartet rivals the real housewives of any city. >> i'll -- you dirty -- >> reporter: on the vh1 reality series, "mob wives" no topic is more taboo than rats. >> loyalty is everything. >> reporter: a mafia turncoat who squawks to the police in exchange for a shorter prison
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sentence. >> you're right. you're not in my circle. i'll make your life so miserable. >> reporter: all of these women are struggling to keep a family together while a father, brother or a husband does hard time for organized crime. but in a plot twist that mirrors "the sopranos" -- >> you think i'm wearing a wire in god's house? >> yes. >> reporter: one of their own had reportedly been wearing a wire for the fbi all along. he's hector junior pagan, that nicole graziano was hoping to reconcile with, the father of her son. >> i love junior. and i do go out of my way, maybe too much for him. >> reporter: that was before thursday, when the cast and crew of "mob wives" learned that junior had allegedly been taping conversations for the government. the first mobster he supposedly ratted out, renee's father, anthony graziano. >> at the end of the day, there's no loyalty among thieves. it boils down to
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self-preservation. >> reporter: even more bizarre, the show's creator is jennifer graziano, anthony's daughter and ren renee's sister. >> they will go after members who have been informants against him. >> reporter: so, you'll forgive junior if he's watching his back this season and not "mob wives." for "good morning america," t.j. winick, abc news, new york. >> it's ironic because it was renee, junior's ex-wife, always talking about loyalty within the family. and lo and behold, it's in her own home. >> it's interesting that the show's creator is suffering from it personally. but the show's probably doing great because of it. coming up on "good morning america," no rats here. wild man, jack hanna, back with his menagerie. that's an anteater that ginger's going to have a close encounter with, after the break. i can't wait to open it.
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our good friend, jack hanna, is in the studio, which means anything can happen and probably will. jack is the director emeritus of the columbus zoo. and he's brought in amazing animals for us. what have you got? >> i have a beaver. the largest rodent in the united states. >> it's a rodent? >> yeah. it has teeth like a rat, in front. and obviously, this coat is one of the most sought-after coats, not just in this country, but throughout the world. and the tail, he flaps it like that, to warn his buddies. >> he doesn't mind at all. >> he has webbed feet.
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he defecates in the water. >> is he going to attack me in particular? >> no. you're fine. these animals are considered a pest, by the way, in a lot of parts of north america because they do -- i love the beavers. it's so cute to watch the dams they build. but they will dam up creeks and ranchers in montana and like that, doesn't help. >> what else do we have this morning? >> we have over here -- if somebody could get the beaver. >> oh, wow. >> that's a horizontal fan there. >> joe christopher. joe's been at the zoo almost 40 years. this is a lesser anteater. you have the giant anteater. and this is a -- can ginger hold him. >> you see this claw, he's capable, if he really got you, he could break your finger. you can pet him. you smell the odor? you smell it? >> uh-huh.
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>> i saw your face. when we're in the jungles of south america, you can smell this animal from miles away. the stinker of the forest. he lives in trees. a giant anteater lives on the ground. the giant anteater is huge. and those giant anteater claws. his tongue is about six inches long. they eat up to 10,000 termites an hour. >> what's the purpose of the smell? >> to locate each other. and to deter maybe a predator. once he secretes the smell even more, it's worst than anything you can imagine. >> all right, stinky. good-bye. what else have we got this morning? >> thank you, joe. >> this is a beautiful creature. look at that. >> this is a suzy and my daughter, julie. >> hey. how are you? >> they help with the animals. >> you don't want to drink that. there was a baby beaver that might have gone to the bathroom. >> these are the baby lynxes. >> lynxes. >> the siberian lynx.
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this cat gets to be 50 to 60 pounds. and siberian lynx, they think are extinct in the wild. totally in captivity. >> can we pet them? >> they're friendly. >> these animals were hunted to extinction because of their pelts. that's not the problem anymore. they're a solitary cat. they cannot locate the females when they cycle. it's a bad thing. look at the back foot. quickly, see how flat that back foot is, that's a snowshoe. in the snow, it doesn't run on its pads. it runs on the whole back part of the leg. >> beautiful. >> i think we have time for one more animal. let's try to make sure that the lynx does not attack this -- >> right. right here, everybody, is the largest owl in the world. you ever ask the question, what animal is found on every continent except antarctica. only one, the owl.
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>> did you know the answer to that question, ginger? >> and you look at the talon. a bald eagle has 1,000 pounds of pressure per square inch. if this was a wild bird, it would go through grant's skin, muscle and to the bone. why does the owl turn its heads like that? because the eyes are so big, it cannot turn it n the socket. you see a pretty girl, you go like this. >> he can see me. >> he has to move his whole head. >> hi. >> with echo location, they can hunt in total darkness without seeing anything. just by hearing this stuff. >> and this owl is 11? >> this is the largest owl in the world, by the way. >> jack, always great having you on. thank you very much. come up from columbus anytime you want. >> thank you. merry christmas. >> we should say that "jack han hanna's wild countdown" is on saturdays, on most abc station .
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it's a good show. we'll be right back. coming up on "gma," it's hard to top that owl. but we've got "your week in hard to top that owl. but we've got "your week in three words." hard to top that owl. but wno one does s week in threelike you do christmas. under the mistletoe whether it's beach or snow, you sparkle and you shine because it's christmas time. no one does christmas like kmart does christmas. kmart. smart.
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7:52 am
well, it's that time. we always like finding out what's going on with you and in your lives. so, you know what time it is. today's song is called "say so."
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you know that song? >> is that a time of day, "your three words"? >> the group is alex stone. enjoy. ♪ it feels like something special won't you ♪ ♪ tell me just how you feel ♪ ♪ have a good time but be careful ♪ ♪ let me know these feelings are real ♪ ♪ forever you need indeed i will give it to you ♪ ♪ whatever the cost everything i've got ♪ ♪ i will give it to you if you want me to love you ♪ ♪ all that you must do is just say so ♪
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♪ say so, say so ♪ say so ♪ i am ready to love you all that you must do ♪ ♪ is just say so say so, say so ♪ ♪ you have that look on your face ♪ ♪ giving me reasons to think you too much ♪ ♪ allow me to fill up this space ♪ ♪ i've been empty for all of this time ♪ ♪ whatever you need guaranteed i will ♪ ♪ give it to you whatever it costs ♪ ♪ everything i've got i will give you to you ♪ ♪ if you want me to love you ♪ ♪ all that you must do is just say so ♪ ♪ i am ready to love you ♪ ♪ all that you must do
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just say so ♪ ♪ if you want me to love you ♪ ♪ all that you must do ♪ ♪ is just say so say so, say so ♪ >> ron claiborne is a huge stickler for the rules on "your three words." and he's taken issue. >> three. >> and this very cute, young child. ron points out that that that is not a word. >> without the rules, there's anarchy. okay? >> all right. >> planet. >> thanks for joining us this morning. we'll see you tomorrow. >> obey the rules. >> good morning. at some of the
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the news in our maryland state alice are investigating crash in montgomery just past shady grove morning.00 this died at the scene. car hader in another minor injuries. are not releasing information about what happened. for missing -- a missing worker continues this morning. disappeared while on friday afternoon at the shed.lfia water searched the area -- crews but came up area empty. to dave zahren for a our forecast. >> good morning. charmed life continues. sunnyother weekend of and reasonably pleasant conditions. shot from our rosslyn. the beautiful sunrise. apparentres real and because of the winds at 31 in ashburn and in annapolis. in gaithersburg,
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33.ezing point at good fortune? pressure continues over the mid-atlantic. slowly drift but for look for lots of sunshine. noon about 46, topping 50's, right where for this time of december. temperatures for milder.en a bit upper 50'ss in the then 60 on monday. coming our way on wednesday. chillier. decembere like week. end of the >> thanks. and thank you for watching.
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>> "jack hanna's wild countdown" is sponsored by nationwide insurance. >> just like my life is devoted to the animal world, nationwide insurance is devoted to their customers. protecting what is important at every stage of their lives. that's why nationwide and i have been partners for over 30 years. learn more about nationwide insurance at you want 'em? i've got 'em. look at this! there's bears everywhere in this field. from the huge... good night. to the hibernating. [whispering] i can't talk 'cause there's a bear in the snow


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